Readers' and Writers' Workshop

Readers' Workshop

Reader's Workshop is organized into units of study throughout the year. Year-long trajectories map the units of study for each grade level. Units of study are comprised of daily mini lessons that typically emphasize "in-the-head" strategies used by proficient readers. A series of essential lessons are necessary to develop these reading strategies. Mini lessons are complemented by a high volume of independent reading during which educators gradually release responsibility to students through small-group instruction and 1:1 conferring. 

Readers' Workshop Calendars and Maps

Mini Lesson

15 minutes. Whole Group. Explicit modeling. Guided practice. Anchor charts

Independent Reading

30-40 minutes. Independent Reading with "just-right" texts. Small group instruction 1:1 conferring.

Group Share

5 minutes. Summarize learning. Share Strategies

Writers' Workshop

Writer's Workshop is organized into units of study throughout the year. Year-long trajectories map the unit of study for each grade level. Units of study in Writers’ Workshop are crafted around particular genres, themes, or writing strategies. Each unit of study engages student writers in all phases of a writer’s craft including immersion, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Mini lessons within a unit of study are complemented by a high volume of independent writing during which educators gradually release responsibility to students via small-group instruction and 1:1 conferring.

Writers' Workshop Calendars and Maps

Mini Lesson

15 minutes. Whole Group. Explicit modeling. Guided practice. Anchor charts

Independent Reading

30-40 minutes. Independent writing, self-selected topics, prompts. Small group instruction 1:1 conferring

Group Share

5 minutes. Summarize learning. Share Strategies