Student Enrollment/Registration
You must complete all steps in order to register your child:
STEP 1: To begin, please complete the “Pre-registration Form” linked here
Once Step 1 is complete, move on to Step 2 and send in all documentation AT ONE TIME.STEP 2: - Please provide ALL documents listed below at the SAME time:(Please note, due to the high volume of documents we will receive we highly recommend you supply all documents at the same time with the exception of the health forms):
o New student’s Birth Certificate
o MA Health/Immunization form
o Over-the-counter med. release form – for school nurse
o Kindergarten Questionnaire (entering in grade K only)
o Home language Survey – Information may influence school assignment
o Release of Information Request (for students entering LPS in grades 1 – 12)
The forms listed above are ALL available in this folder for those who are able
to print them. Hard copies are available in the Central Office at 535 Bliss Rd.
o Residency documentation:
Please provide one of the following for your Longmeadow address:
Rental Agreement as well as the Landlord/tenant affidavit.
Completion is required if family leases/rents.Recent mortgage statement (dated within the last 30 days)
AND provide one of the following for your Longmeadow address (dated within the last 30 days)
Utility bill or work order (electric, gas, oil, cable, phone or water)
Medical bill
Insurance bill
Documents can be turned in through the following methods:
In-Person in the Central Office
Registration Hours: Tuesdays: 9:00am – 11:00am
Wednesdays: 1:00pm-3:00pm Thursdays: 9:00am-11:00amDocument Drop-Box: A secure Drop-Box is located outside the Central Offices for documents received “After Hours”.
STEP 3: You will receive directions for Step 3 via email once you complete Steps 1 & 2.
o Login to PowerSchool and complete online forms:
New Student Contacts
New Student Information.
NEXT once all steps of the registration process have been completed, for ALL New Students the school nurse will review the provided health/immunization information, if approved, you will be contacted by the school(s) with more information including start date. In addition, for high school and middle school students only, you will be contacted by the school Principal or School Counselor to make an appointment to develop a schedule of classes.
If you choose to drop off the required documents in the drop box, please clearly label them as registration documents with the child’s name. The district has a computer available in the Central Office if you wish to complete this process in the Central Office.
Students who qualify as homeless as defined by the McKinney Vento Act, students in foster care as defined by the Every Student Succeeds Act and students who qualify under the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children will be entitled to immediate enrollment. For more information, please review the Longmeadow Public Schools District Policies regarding Homeless, Foster Care and Military Children.
As always, LPS Staff are available to answer questions you have regarding registration. Please feel free to email You may also call the Superintendent’s Office at 413-565-4200.
*For students residing with one parent, the district must receive a copy of an Order of the Probate Court designating current physical custody of the student.
If a property is close to a school zone border, you may call the Central Office to see which school zone the property is in.